Giancarlo Marchese was born on 15 November, 1931, in Parma. He studied sculpture at the Brera Academy in Milan under the supervision of Prof Marino Marini and Prof Luciano Minguzzi. After completing his studies, he first worked as an assistant and then, in 1975, he taught sculpture at the Academy fo Fine Arts (Accademia di Bellle Arti) in Florence, and from 1976 to 2000 at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts (Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera) in Milan. Several Slovenian sculptors (including Anton Herman) attended his classes. In 200, he taught the “Designing Sculpture” course at the Seoul National University and the Ulsan University (UOU) in South Korea. His work has been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad, including the Venice Biennial in 1956 and 1964. In 1966, he participated in the exhibition Peace, Humanity and Friendship among Nations (Mir, humanost in prijateljstvo med narodi) at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška in Slovenj Gradec. In 1957, he had a major solo exhibition at the Galleria dell’Ariete in Milan, followed by exhibitions in Bologna, Tortona, Milan, Legnano, Livorno, Chialo, Rome, Alexandria, Valencia and several other cities. On numerous occasions, he contributed with his works to the shaping of public spaces. In the last few years of his life, he dedicated most of his attention to sculpture in glass. His last solo exhibition was in 2010 at the Brera Academy in Milan. He died on 22 May, 2013, in Milan.